Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Analysis of the Heart of Darkness Beginning - 982 Words
We are introduced to the novel â€Å"Heart of Darkness†, with the words ‘The Nellie, a cruising yawl’, indicating that already at his early stage in the novel, the reader is able to predict that this will be a book set on a boat, and is likely to involve travelling across sea’s. This prediction can be backed up by the lines in the second paragraph, ‘The sea-reach of the Thames stretched before us like the beginning of an interminable waterway in the offing the seas and the sky were welded together without a joint’. This line conveys to the reader the boat and crews current location, it being the Thames, but also where they are going. This is stated by the words ‘The sea-reach of the Thames stretched before us like the beginning of an†¦show more content†¦Lastly, the title could also be a sense of foreboding, as it indicates they are going into a place of danger, as connotations of darkness include danger, but also the unknown dan ger that we can not see in the dark, which is what the characters we have been only briefly been introduced to could be facing. A further interpretation of the title could be the fact that it was said â€Å"the sun never sets on the British Empire†, coupled with the theme of imperialism, the title â€Å"Heart of Darkness†could be a prediction of the fall of the British Empire, as it was not long until countries that used to be ruled by the empire started to become independent, therefore the â€Å"darkness†of the title would finally mean the sun sets on the British Empire. In conclusion, after reading the opening passage of Heart of Darkness, it is obvious there are themes of imperialism and exploration, and also links to travelling and maybe attempting to colonise a part of Africa. However, it may not go as well as hoped by the crew on the ship, indicated by the â€Å"darkness†mentioned in the title, providing a strong sense of foreboding for the rest of theShow MoreRelatedThe Heart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad1166 Words  | 5 PagesCheng 1 Dr. Olumide Ogundipe ENGL 103-X04 7 Dec 2016in The Use of Darkness in Heart of Darkness Everyone claims to be equal, and nowadays people are working hard to create equality regardless gender and race. Meanwhile, race and ethnicity become one of the most popular topics of modern literature. The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad depicts a story of colonization took place in the Belgian Congo through Marlow’s perspective. 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